Firstly, some of the directive principles of
State policy, which are related to distributive justice, moulded the property
relations by influencing the interrelationship doctrine, both directly and indirectly.
Secondly, the interrelationship doctrine is very
much influenced by Article 39A of the Constitution which provides for equal
justice and free legal aid in the justice delivery system.
Thirdly, the directive principles of State shall
strive to secure its citizens right to an adequate means of livelihood and make
the effective provision for securing right to work.
Fourthly, the directive principle that ';tender
age of children are not abused';, and that ';children are given opportunities
and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in a conditions of freedom
and dignity that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation against
moral and material abandonment'; [Article 39(f) have provided the spirit of law
to the Apex Court.
Fifthly, the directive principle of ';Equal pay
for equal work'; and ';participation of workers in management'; were received
through right to equality under Article 14 in Part III, in various cases, such
as Randhir Singh (AIR 1982 SC 469)and National Textile Workers Union case (AIR
1983 SC 75).
Sixthly, the directive principles relating to
uniform civil code has the potentiality of using the interrelationship doctrine
for its implementation.
Seventhly, the promotion of educational and
economic interest of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and other weaker
section of the society, contemplated under Article 46 provides a guidance for
affirmative actions under Article 15(4) and 16(4) and a pointer for resolving
tension between formal and substantive equality by laying emphasis on infusing
of strength and ability to compete, through eduction and training to weaker
sectors (M.R. Balaji vs. State of Mysore – AIR 1963 SC 649).
Finally, the directive
principle that the State shall endeavour to foster respect for international
law and treaty obligations has a great potentiality of absorbing the
international principles relating to guarantee as under of human rights, and
thus influence the interrelationship doctrine.
The convictions are
(i) The impact of directive
principles upon the interrelationship doctrine or vice-versa is not only
theoretical but also practical and rewarding. Interrelationship doctrine has
given impetus to, and got animated by the process of reading the directive
principles into Part III of the Constitution.
(ii) It is true to say
that the interrelationship doctrine has its roots in the very text of the
constitution. This can be seen when the objects set in the Preamble, followed
by Juxtaposing of right to equality with classification, the flexibility
imbibed in fundamental rights, the spirit of law (operation of whole Part-III
of the Constitution visa-vis the impugned law) rejection of compartmentalised
treatment of fundamental rights and finally, the distinction between citizens
and non-citizens with regard to availability of fundamental rights and the
possibility of invoking a fundamental right to avail a suspended fundamental
right during emergency are taken into account with a conscious approach of
unity in diversity.
Former Chief Justice
of India Shri M.N. Venkatachelaiah, said that professor Bhat examines the
relationship of fundamental rights inter se and the jurisprudential and
constitutional foundations of that interrelationship. The interrelationship is
also a necessary implication of constitutionalism and Rule of Law. It was
viewed that professor Bhat, in his elegant analysis, indicates the ';parallel
streams'; and ‘cross-currents’ of fundamental rights and how these rights
inform and enrich each other. This discourse has its familiar ring in the
International Human Rights Regime, and the principles of their universality,
indivibility and interdependence Fundamental Rights and DPSP.
When the tussle for
primacy between fundamental rights and DPSP came up before the Supreme Court in
the case of State of Madras v. Champakam Dorairajan (1951) SCR 525
first, the court said, “The directive principles have to conform to and run
subsidiary to the chapter on fundamental rights.” Later, in the Fundamental
Rights Case (referred to above), the majority opinions reflected the view that
what is fundamental in the governance of the country cannot be less significant
than what is significant in the life of the individual. Another judge
constituting the majority in that case said: “In building up a just social
order it is sometimes imperative that the fundamental rights should be
subordinated to directive principles.” This view, that the fundamental rights
and DPSP are complementary, “neither part being superior to the other,” has
held the field since ( V.R.Krishna Iyer,J. in State of Kerala v. N.
M.. Thomas (1976) 2 SCC 310 at para. 134, p. 367).
The DPSP have, through
important constitutional amendments, become the benchmark to insulate
legislation enacted to achieve social objectives, as enumerated in some of the
DPSP, from attacks of invalidation by courts. This way, legislation for
achieving agrarian reforms, and specifically for achieving the objectives of
articles 39(b) and (c) of the Constitution, has been immunized from challenge
as to its violation of the right to equality (art. 14) and freedoms of speech,
expression, etc. (art. 19). However, even here the court has retained its power
of judicial review to examine if, in fact, the legislation is intended to
achieve the objective of articles 39(b) and (c), and where the legislation is
an amendment to the Constitution, whether it violates the basic structure of
the constitution. Likewise, courts have used DPSP to uphold the constitutional
validity of statutes that apparently impose restrictions on the fundamental
rights under article 19 (freedoms of speech, expression, association,
residence, travel and to carry on a business, trade or profession), as long as
they are stated to achieve the objective of the DPSP.
The DPSP are seen as
aids to interpret the Constitution, and more specifically to provide the basis,
scope and extent of the content of a fundamental right.
To quote again from
the Fundamental Rights case:
Fundamental rights
have themselves no fixed content; most of them are empty vessels into which
each generation must pour its content in the light of its experience.
Restrictions, abridgement, curtailment and even abrogation of these rights in
circumstances not visualised by the constitution makers might become necessary;
their claim to supremacy or priority is liable to be overborne at particular
stages in the history ofthe nation by the moral claims embodied in Part
IV ( Chandra Bhavan v. State of Mysore (1970) 2 SCR, note 1, SCC
para. 1714, p. 881).
The Maneka Gandhi
Case and Thereafter
Simultaneously, the judiciary took upon itself the task of infusing into the
constitutional provisions the spirit of social justice. This it did in a series
of cases of which Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978) 1 SCC 248 was
a landmark. The case involved the refusal by the government to grant a passport
to the petitioner, which thus restrained her liberty to travel. In answering
the question whether this denial could be sustained without a predecisional
hearing, the court proceeded to explain the scope and content of the right to
life and liberty. In a departure from the earlier view, A.K.Gopalan
v. State of Madras 1950 SCR 88 the court asserted the doctrine of
substantive due process as integral to the chapter on fundamental rights and
emanating from a collective understanding of the scheme underlying articles 14
(the right to equality), 19 (the freedoms) and 21 (the right to life). The
power the court has to strike down legislation was thus broadened to include
critical examination of the substantive due process element in statutes. Once
the court took a broader view of the scope and content of the fundamental right
to life and liberty, there was no looking back. Article 21 was interpreted to
include a bundle of other incidental and integral rights, many of them in the
nature of ESC rights. In Francis Coralie v. union territory of
India(AIR 1978 SC 597) the court declared:
“The right to life
includes the right to live with human dignity and all that goes with it,
namely, the bare necessaries of life such as adequate nutrition, clothing and
shelter and facilities for reading, writing and expressing oneself in diverse
forms, freely moving about and mixing and comingling with fellow human beings.
The magnitude and components of this right would depend upon the extent of
economic development of the country, but it must, in any view of the matter,
include the bare necessities of life and also the right to carry on such
functions and activities as constitute the bare minimum expression of the human
The combined effect of
the expanded interpretation of the right to life and the use of PIL as a tool
led the court into areas where there was a crying need for social justice.
These were areas where there was a direct interaction between law and poverty,
as in the case of bonded labor and child labor, and crime and poverty, as in
the case of under trials in jails. In reading several of these concomitant
rights of dignity, living conditions, health into the ambit of the right to
life, the court overcame the difficulty of justiciability of these as economic
and social rights, which were hitherto, in their manifestation as DPSP,
considered nonenforceable. A brief look at how some of these ESC rights were
dealt with by the court in four specific contexts will help understand the
development of the law in this area.
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