Saturday, 30 August 2014

4 easy ways to find PR & Outreach opportunities

4 easy ways to find PR & Outreach opportunities

I hear a lot of SEOs talking about how Outreach has become so much more difficult over the past few years and that it’s so hard to build natural links now and I really don’t agree with this – yes, the tactics SEOs need to be using has changed but there are still masses of opportunities out there if you use the right tools and look in the right places. So, here are my top four ways to find quality, natural PR and Outreach opportunities:

1. #Journorequest

A wealth of opportunities can be found on Twitter if you know the right hashtags to look out for. #Journorequest is one of my personal favourites and has helped me to find some great opportunities, I always have this open on my Tweetdeck to look out for new opportunities.
Other hashtags to look out for are #PRrequest and #bloggerrequest. This means that all you have to do is monitor the hashtag and respond in a timely way and you’ve got instant coverage and potential links in your hands.

2. ResponseSource

ResonseSource is a paid-for service by DWPub which allows you to subscribe to various categories and then receive journalist and blogger requests straight to your inbox. This effectively takes half your job away again, as rather than trying to think of opportunities or stories yourself, you’re getting the opportunities delivered to you straight from the journalist or blogger, all you have to do is respond.

3. Live blogs

Live blogs are a great source of newsjacking opportunities, you’ll find that pretty much all national news sources will have a live blog for any major event e.g. the Budget announcement, World Cup etc.
Again, such an easy opportunity as all you have to do is line up a suitable expert and you’ve got a multitude of comment opportunities lined up. We keep a calendar of big events that have live blogs so that we can plan in advance for comment opportunities to ensure we have an expert on hand.

4. Fresh Web Explorer/Google News

A great way to find people already talking about either your campaign or a relevant topic is through the likes of Fresh Web Explorer or Google News. If you have a relevant quote/graphic/data from your client on a topic currently being covered in the news you can simply search by keywords in FWE or Google News to find who’s already covered it and approach them with your added-value content.
Aside from ResponseSource and FWE, all of the above are free ways in which to source quality opportunities and most importantly completely natural opportunities producing links that don’t just look natural but are natural.
So no more excuses please about how hard it is so source natural opportunities, it really is easy if you’re looking in the right places.

Top 100 SEO & Internet Marketing Blogs

Top 100 SEO & Internet Marketing Blogs

There have been a number of blog ranking tables created in the past few months but they all use the hugely inaccurate and outdated Google PageRank as a method of measuring success.
This table simply uses Alexa Rank and Technorati Rank to calculate the popularity of each site. These are the two most accurate methods of determining the traffic and number of links to each blog and, while sometimes slightly inaccurate, are very good at measuring the relative popularity of blogs from the same industry.
The rankings will be updated every day and if you find a search engine marketing blog thats missing from this list please email me
Finally a big thanks to the Big List of SEO Blogs which made up a large proportion of this list.

email id list for your business

4999. manu29809@gmail.com4949.
4998. pankajdhaka.dav@hotmail.com4948.
4997. pranav165@yahoo.com4947.
4996. arya.anit3@gmail.com4946.
4995. meetshrotriya@gmail.com4945.
4994. manugarg1592@yahoo.in4944.
4993. praveen_solanki29@yahoo.com4943.
4992. tanmaysharma07@gmail.com4942.
4991. kartikkumar781@gmail.com4941.
4990. arun.singh2205@gmail.com4940.
4989. rohitneema065@gmail.com4939.
4988. shashikant.1975@rediffmail.com4938.
4987. vikas221965@yahoo.com4937.
4986. dharmendershrm09@gmail.com4936.
4985. arrav@live.com4935.
4984. kumarmrinal27@gmail.com4934.
4983. saikumar6448@gmail.com4933.
4982. saini.sourabh2013@gmail.com4932.
4981. sunyruc718@gmail.com4931.
4980. prasadchinnaa@gmail.com4930.
4979. m_aizaz786@yahoo.com4929.
4978. sundevs@gmail.com4928.
4977. rish.parashar@hotmail.com4927.
4976. kumar4612@gmail.com4926.
4975. vijaysingh361@gmail.com4925.
4974. ankitsingh33@gmail.com4924.
4973. kuldeepetah@yahoo.com4923.
4972. bansi.pathak@gmail.com4922.
4970. kataria1100@yahoo.com4920.
4969. jogendra5336@gmail.com4919.
4968. aniketparoha1@gmail.com4918.
4967. pranavbembi09@gmail.com4917.
4966. chandank973@gmail.com4916.
4965. ki04298@gmail.com4915.
4964. smartyvinod.143@gmail.com4914.
4963. way4dilip@gmail.com4913.
4961. akhil002.m@gmail.com4911.
4960. sanjeevheikham@gmail.com4910.
4959. princejnv@gmail.com4909.
4958. rahul_singh1990@rediff.com4908.
4957. suneeshjacob@gmail.com4907.
4956. praveenhuded3@gmail.com4906.
4955. vishnaram@gmail.com4905.
4954. omveer2012@yahoo.in4904.
4953. bhupalmehra17@gmail.com4903.
4952. satyam2708@gmail.com4902.
4951. shrihari333@gmail.com4901.

How I Get Over 100,000 Visitors a Month With Top List Articles

By:      Topics: Get Web Traffic

Traffic to me is the simplest thing on the planet. It is so easy to get! All you have to do is provide people with a solution to their problem and they will come and read it & they will share it with their friends!Below is an excerpt from our traffic-getting eCourse,Traffic Domination.
I have created over 100 ‘top list’ type posts which have been viewed by millions. They are so popular and well received that they have been featured on Reddit Homepage, New York Times, Yahoo News & one even became a Trending Topic on Twitter! The best part… I can get these types of posts created for just $25. Let me teach you how.

Why Creating Lists Wins You Traffic

When you Google, think what you are typing in, lets say you are looking for a cure for a health problem. Just for example, you are going to type in Cure Acid Reflux. That’s a big search term. Same with anything else in the industry that people are trying to cure. Firstly you would be surprised how many people don’t name the article what people are searching for in Google. This blows my mind. Why are you calling your article something fancy and using words people don’t ever use, just to make yourself look smart. No one is typing that in Google, so you shouldn’t be naming your posts that.
I’m no SEO expert, there I said it. But I do get around 200,000 visitors a month from Google alone so it’s kind of a big deal for me. Here’s what I believe: Google ranks sites which are naturally awesome. Forget everything about buying links and social love. Just imagine that your posts are so cool, people spend ages on your site and people love to share your stuff. That’s what GOOGLE wants! Great content because they are in the content industry. There job is to provide users with the right content and the best possible option, if yours is not that, then you don’t rank so well.
Back to my health post, I will call it :
10 Ways To Cure Acid Reflux
Somewhere I heard that odd numbers work better for open rates and marketing so I often will change the 10 for 7, 11, 13, 17 basically any odd number that looks good. I will decide how many I want before I even create the post.
But lets look at those silly people I love that make my life easy when I try to out rank their articles because they name their articles something stupid, for example:
Surefire Ways To Eradicate Acid Reflux
Are you freaking kidding me. I’m sure some idiot will type in Eradicate Acid Reflux every month or two but Surefire Ways? No Way!
You think this is an extreme example? Heck no, this is a nice example.

Tip 1. Name Your Posts Something People Search For!

Here’s where top lists dominate:
  • Firstly, they are quite long so people tend to spend a while reading them.
  • Each part is in section, for example, our Cure Acid Reflux post, its 7 cures, so we have 7 headlines with each option. Because of this, people can quickly decide YES, there’s something here I am willing to do, so I will read it all. I think a lot of articles don’t do well because people are not prepared to commit time to read a page if they don’t think it’s going to help them.
  • The title says exactly what you get, so you know what you are getting into.
  • When shared on social media, again, people know what they are about to get. I swear, people will retweet and share stuff just because of the title, not even knowing if the article is good or not.

Step 1. To Dominating Any Industry

Post a crap load of top posts. That’s what I do, I show up in dozens of industry’s and just do the same old top list posts but for different industry’s. Here’s some examples:
IncomeDiary (Blogging/Make Money Industry)
  • Top 30 Most Influential People In Blogger
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Internet Entrepreneur
  • 10 Christmas Gifts For Entrepreneurs
  • 17 Tips To Cure Bloggers Block
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Facebook
ExpertPhotography (Photography Industry)
  • Top 30 Most Influential People In Photography
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To be a Photographer
  • 10 Christmas Gifts For Photographers
  • 17 Tips To Fix Bad Photos
  • 20 Photographers To Follow on Facebook
WhyamIUnhealthy (Health Industry)
  • Top 30 Most Influential People in Natural Health
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be Healthy
  • 10 Christmas Gifts for Super Healthy People
  • 17 Tips To Cure Acid Reflux
  • 20 Health Experts To Follow on Facebook
Retireat21 (Young Entrepreneur Industry)
  • Top 30 Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs
  • 10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Young Entrepreneur
  • 10 Christmas Gifts For Young Entrepreneurs
  • 17 Tips To Stop People Treating You Different Because Of Your Age
  • 20 Young Entrepreneurs To Follow On Facebook
Are you getting the gist yet?
And it doesn’t stop there. Each post can be done in so many other ways. For example:
10 Reasons Why It Rocks To Be a Photographer… you could flip this on it’s head and do 10 Reasons Why It Sucks….

Tip 2. Turn One Top List Into a Series of Top Lists

Remember our post suggestion: 20 Bloggers To Follow on Facebook
How about doing that with every social network:
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Twitter
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Youtube
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Pinterest
  • 20 Bloggers To Follow on Google+
Instead of doing a post such as “20 Ways To Improve Your Website” – you could split it into a series and niche each one down, so for example:
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Load Time
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Useability
  • 10 Ways To Improve Your Websites Blog Layout
  • 10 Ways To Improve your Websites Conversion Rate

Step 2. Getting Articles Created (20 at a time)

So in order to achieve great success with my blogs, I need a crap load of content…. by doing basically no actual work. Want to know how I get articles written for $25 with a 24 hour turn around period, 20 at a time.
Just to confirm. I pay $25 for each article, I often buy 20 at a time and each article only takes 24 hours and can be written by thousands of different authors. The best thing is, if I don’t like it, I either get them to edit it or I can refuse to pay for it. Incredible?!?!!
Love what you have read so far?
Get the rest inside Traffic Domination – online training that will teach you exactly how we get over 100,000 visitors every month to multiple sites, year after year.
You will also get access to a new bonus, 110 copy and paste blog post headlines that have got me 10,000,000 visitors!

21 Life Lessons from Steve Jobs

21 Life Lessons from Steve Jobs

By:      Topics: Entrepreneurship
But before he was a legend, he was a person.Steve Jobs will be remembered as a digital visionary — the man who brought poetry to the microchip.
We can’t all be Steve Jobs, but we can all learn from his extraordinary life.

#1 Skate to Where the Puck is Going to Be

In 2007, Steve Jobs said, “There’s an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.’ And we’ve always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very, very beginning. And we always will.”
Steve’s ability to anticipate future trends helped Apple dominate now-burgeoning markets like digital music sales (through the iPod and iTunes Store).

#2 Accentuate the Positive

Steve started life out on the wrong foot. He was given up for adoption at birth.
Tough break? Young Jobs didn’t think so: he was thankful for his loving adoptive parents — who happened to live in Palo Alto, California (which would eventually become Silicon Valley).

#3 Learn from Others

In high school, Jobs attended lectures at a small computer technology company called Hewlett-Packard. Before turning 21, Steve had worked for both HP and Atari. He saw what these companies were doing and learned what he wanted to do differently with Apple.

#4 Start Early

Because Steve was still a sponge-brained teenager when he started working with computers, he learned quickly.
It also helps that he started Apple in his early 20’s: when he was still full of energy, fresh ideas, and not yet restrained by a family or career.

#5 College is Important…

At its best, higher education challenges us to make connections and solve problems.
Jobs credits a college calligraphy course for part of the Macintosh’s development:
“If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.”

#6 …But it’s Not Necessary

Reed University was expensive and Jobs didn’t want to drain his parents’ savings. If Jobs hadn’t dropped out, he would have been a junior in 1975. He co-founded Apple Computer that year instead.
Steve Jobs Traveled to India

#7 Travel the World

The year before he founded Apple, Jobs journeyed to India. Travel has a way of broadening a person’s perspective and expanding their sense of what’s possible – good traits in an entrepreneur.

#8 Surround Yourself with Good People

Steve Jobs wasn’t a great computer engineer. Apple would have had no chance if Jobs was the only one building the computers. That’s why he recruited Steve Wozniak.
Through the years, Jobs’ companies have blossomed thanks to the brilliant people he’s brought on board – like Apple CEO Tim Cook and Pixar CCO (Chief Creative Officer) John Lasseter.

#9 Expect Greatness

People tend to rise to expectations.

#10 Fake it Before You Make it

In Apple’s early days, Steve recognized that Palo Alto, California was the epicenter of innovative computer technology. Steve wanted his company to be associated with this place – but Apple was still headquartered out of a garage in nearby Los Altos.
Jobs’ solution was to set up a PO Box in Palo Alto and hire a voice answering service. A potential client would get the impression that Apple was a big company in the heart of Silicon Valley – even though the truth was that it was still just two sweaty guys in a garage across town.

#11 Obstacles are meant to be Overcome

Jobs and Wozniak ran out of money while developing the first Apple computer. Instead of giving in, Jobs sold his van and Wozniak sold his graphing calculator. When there’s a will, there’s a way.

#12 Don’t Value Money

As CEO of Apple, Jobs earned $1 a year. Jobs wasn’t incentivized by his salary, but by his own unrelenting pursuit of excellence. (Then again, his expansive stock holdings may have been some incentive.)

#13 Value People

Jobs hired passionate people and cultivated exceptional company cultures at both Apple and Pixar – and their work speaks for itself.

#14 Take Risks

Jobs was willing to cannibalize his company’s products in the name of progress. Many CEOs would have been hesitant to develop the iPhone, knowing full well that it would help to make the iPod obsolete – but Jobs did it anyway (and took a big bite out of the lucrative mobile market).
Steve Jobs' turtleneck is a big part of his personal brand
Don’t be afraid to take risks. Especially smart ones.

#15 Create a Personal Brand

Steve Jobs was one of the first people to recognize the growing importance of personal brands in the Internet age. His black turtleneck is as instantly recognizable as the Apple logo.

#16 Have a Higher Purpose

Buddha said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
Jobs has turned his vision into reality since he began practicing Buddhism in the 1970’s.

#17 Find the Right Partner

There is no more important decision in your life than the person you decide to share it with. Choose wisely (as Steve did), and you have a partner who will help see you through daily challenges.
#18 Jobs Fails Forward

#18 Fail Forward

Everybody fails. It’s how you respond to those failures that makes all the difference. In 1984, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple.
At Stanford’s 2005 commencement address, he had this to say about it:
“I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.”

#19 Learn How to Take a Brick to the Head

More inspiring words from the Stanford speech:
“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”

#20 Remember You’ll be Dead Soon

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
Our time on this earth is short. Let’s make it count.

#21 Put a Dent in the Universe

Jobs once said, “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here?”
Having a higher purpose doesn’t just help you find success. It redefines the meaning of the word.

Ready to Redefine Success?

I’ll let Jobs have the last word:
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”