guarantees for the human rights of our people were one of the persistent
demands of our leaders throughout the freedom struggle. By the year 1949, when
the Constituent Assembly had completed the drafting of the Fundamental Rights
Chapter, it had before it the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
The International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966 (ICCPR) broadly referred to the
inherent right to life and liberty and the right against arbitrary deprivation
of those rights and its various aspects (Articles 6 to 14); privacy, family,
etc. (Article 17); freedom of conscience and religion (Article 18); freedom of
expression and information (Article 19); Right of peaceful assembly (Article
21); freedom of association (Article 22); rights of minorities (Article 27);
etc. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966
(ICESCR) broadly referred to the “right to work” and its various aspects
(Articles 6 and 7); right to form trade unions for promotion of economic or
social interests and the right to strike (Article 8); right to social security
and social insurance (Article 9); family, marriage, children and mothers’
rights (Article 10); adequate standard of living, right to food, clothing and
housing, freedom from hunger (Article 11); physical and mental health (Article
12); education (Article 13); compulsory primary education (Article 14) and
culture (Article 15).
The treaty obligations
under the covenant enjoined the State Parties to ensure these rights without
discrimination and “to take steps” to promote them “to the maximum of its
available resources”, with a view to achieving “progressively” the full
realisation of these rights. The Directive Principles of State Policy in Part
IV of the Constitution are indeed the precursor to economic, social and
cultural rights specified in the ICESCR.
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