decline of the Maurya Dynasty was rather rapid after the death of Ashoka/Asoka.
One obvious reason for it was the succession of weak kings. Another immediate
cause was the partition of the Empire into two. Had not the partition taken
place, the Greek invasions could have been held back giving a chance to the
Mauryas to re-establish some degree of their previous power.
Regarding the decline
much has been written. Haraprasad Sastri contends that the revolt by
Pushyamitra was the result of brahminical reaction against the pro-Buddhist
policies of Ashoka and pro-Jaina policies of his successors. Basing themselves
on this thesis, some maintain the view that brahminical reaction was
responsible for the decline because of the following reasons.
- (a)
Prohibitino of the slaughter of animals displeased the Brahmins as animal
sacrifices were esteemed by them.
- (b)
The book Divyavadana refers to the persecution of Buddhists by Pushyamitra
- (c)
Asoka's claim that he exposed the Budheveas (brahmins) as false gods shows
that Ashoka was not well disposed towards Brahmins.
- (d)
The capture of power by Pushyamitra Sunga shows the triumph of Brahmins.
these four points can be easily refuted. Asoka's compassion towards animals was
not an overnight decision. Repulsion of animal sacrifices grew over a long
period of time. Even Brahmins gave it up by the book Divyavadana, cannot be
relied upon since it was during the time of Pushyamitra Sunga that the Sanchi
and Barhut stupas were completed. Probably the impression of the persecution of
Buddhism was created by Menander's invasion who was a Budhhist. Thridly, the
word 'budheva' is misinterpreted because this word is to be taken in the
context of some other phrase. Viewed like this, this word has nothing to do
with brahminism. Fourthly, the victory of Pushyamitra Sunga clearly shows that
the last of the Mauryas was an incompetent ruler since he was overthrown in the
very presence of his army, and this had nothing to do with brahminical reaction
against Asoka's patronage of Budhism. Moreover, the very fact that a Brahmin
was the commander in chief of the Mauryan ruler proves that the Mauryas and the
Brahmins were on good terms.
After all, the
distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism in India was purely sectarian and
never more than the difference between saivism and vaishnavism. The
exclusiveness of religious doctrines is a Semitic conception, which was unknown
to India for a long time. Buddha himself was looked upon in his lifetime and
afterwards as a Hindu saint and avatar and his followers were but another sect
in the great Aryan tradition. Ashoka was a Buddhist in the same way as Harsha
was a Budhist, or Kumarapala was a Jain. But in the view of the people of the
day he was a Hindu monarch following one of the recognized sects. His own
inscriptions bear ample withness to the fact. While his doctrines follow
themiddle path, his gifts are to the brahmibns, sramansa (Buddhist priests) and
others equally. His own name of adoption is Devanam Priya, the beloved of the
gods. Which gods? Surely the gods of the Aryan religion. Buddhism had no gods
of its own. The idea that Ashoka was a kind of Buddhist Constantine declearing
himself against paganism is a complete misreading of India conditions. Asoka
was a kind or Buddhist Constantine declearing himself against paganism is a
complete misreading of India conditions. Asoka was essentially a Hindu, as
indeed was the founder of the sect to which he belonged.
Raychaudhury too
rebuts the arguments of Sastri. The empire had shrunk considerably and there
was no revolution. Killing the Mauryan King while he was reviewing the army
points to a palace coup detat not a revolution. The organization were ready to
accept any one who could promise a more efficient organisation. Also if
Pushyamitra was really a representative of brahminical reaction he neighbouting
kings would have definitely given him assistance.
The argument that the
empire became effete because of Asokan policies is also very thin. All the
evidence suggests that Asoka was a stern monarch although his reign witnessed
only a single campaign. He was shrewd enough in retaining Kalinga although he
expressed his remorse. Well he was wordly-wise to enslave and-and-half lakh
sudras of Kalinga and bring them to the Magadha region to cut forests and
cultivate land. More than this his tours of the empire were not only meant for
the sake of piety but also for keeping an eye on the centrifugal tendencies of
the empire. Which addressing the tribal people Asoka expressed his willingness
to for given. More draconian was Ashoka's message to the forest tribes who were
warned of the power which he possessed. This view of Raychoudhury on the
pacifism of the State cannot be substantiated.
Apart from these two
major writers there is a third view as expressed by kosambi. He based his
arguments that unnccessary measures were taken up to increase tax and the
punch-marked coins of the period show evidence of debasement. This contention
too cannot be up held. It is quite possible that debased coins began to
circulate during the period of the later Mauryas. On the other hand the
debasement may also indicate that there was an increased demand for silver in
relation to goods leading to the silver content of the coins being reduced.
More important point is the fact that the material remains of the post-Asokan
era do not suggest any pressure on the economy. Instead the economy prospered
as shown by archaeological evidence at Hastinapura and Sisupalqarh. The reign
of Asoka was an asset to the economy. The unification of the country under
single efficient administration the organization and increase in communications
meant the development of trade as well as an opening of many new commercial
interest. In the post - Asokan period surplus wealth was used by the rising
commercial classes to decorate religious buildings. The sculpture at Barhut and
Sanchi and the Deccan caves was the contribution of this new bourgeoisie.
Still another view
regarding of the decline of Mauryas was that the coup of Pushyamitra was a
peoples' revolt against Mauryans oppression and a rejection of the Maurya
adoption of foreign ideas, as far interest in Mauryan Art.
This argument is based
on the view that Sunga art (Sculpture at Barhut and Sanchi) is more earthy and
in the folk tradition that Maruyan art. This is more stretching the argument
too far. The character of Sunga art changed because it served a different
purpose and its donors belonged to different social classes. Also, Sunga art
conformed more to the folk traditions because Buddhism itself had incorporated
large elements of popular cults and because the donors of this art, many of
whom may have been artisans, were culturally more in the mainstream of folk
One more reasoning to
support the popular revolt theory is based on Asoka's ban on the samajas. Asoka
did ban festive meetings and discouraged eating of meat. These too might have
entagonised the population but it is doubtful whether these prohibitions were
strictly enforced. The above argument (people's revolt) also means that Asoka's
policy was continued by his successors also, an assumption not confirmed by
historical data. Further more, it is unlikely that there was sufficient
national consciousness among the varied people of the Mauryan empire. It is
also argued by these theorists that Asokan policy in all its details was
continued by the later Mauryas, which is not a historical fact.
Still another argument
that is advanced in favour of the idea of revolt against the Mauryas is that
the land tax under the Mauryas was one-quarter, which was very burden some to
the cultivator. But historical evidence shows something else. The land tax
varied from region to region according to the fertility of the soil and the
availability of water. The figure of one quarter stated by Magasthenes probably
referred only to the fertile and well-watered regions around Pataliputra.
Thus the decline of
the Mauryan empire cannot be satisfactorily explained by referring to Military
inactivity, Brahmin resentment, popular uprising or economic pressure. The
causes of the decline were more fundamental. The organization of administration
and the concept of the State were such that they could be sustained by only by
kings of considerably personal ability. After the death of Asoka there was definitely
a weakening at the center particularly after the division of the empire, which
inevitably led to the breaking of provinces from the Mauryan rule.
Also, it should be
borne in mind that all the officials owed their loyalty to the king and not to
the State. This meant that a change of king could result in change of officials
leading to the demoralization of the officers. Mauryas had no system of
ensuring the continuation of well-planned bureaucracy.
The next important
weakness of the Mauryan Empire was its extreme centralization and the virtual
monopoly of all powers by the king. There was a total absence of any advisory
institution representing public opinion. That is why the Mauryas depended
greatly on the espionage system. Added to this lack of representative
institutions there was no distinction between the executive and the judiciary
of the government. An incapable king may use the officers either for purposes
of oppression or fail to use it for good purpose. And as the successors of
Asoka happened to be weak, the empire inevitably declined.
Added to these two
factors, there is no conception of national unity of political consciousness.
It is clear from the fact that even the resistance against the greeks as the
hated miecchas was not an organized one. The only resistance was that of the
local rulers who were afraid of losing their newly acquired territory. It is
significant that when Porus was fighting Alexander, or when Subhagasena was
paying tribute to Antiochus, they were doing so as isolated rulers in the
northwest of India. They had no support from Pataliputra, nor are they even
mentioned in any Indian sources as offering resistance to the hated Yavanas.
Even the heroic Porus, who, enemy though he was, won the admiration of the
Greeks, is left unrecorded in Indian sources.
Another associated
point of great importance is the fact that the Mauryan Empire which was highly
centralized and autocratic was the first and last one of its kind. If the
Mauryan Empire did not survive for long, it could be because of the failure of
the successors of Asoka to hold on to the principles that could make success of
such an empire. Further, the Mauryan empire and the philosophy of the empire
was not in tune with the spirit of the time because Aryanism and brahminism was
very much there. According to the Brahmin or Aryan philosophy, the king was
only an upholder of dharma, but never the crucial or architecture factor
influencing the whole of life. In other words, the sentiment of the people
towards the political factor, that is the State was never established in India.
Such being the reality, when the successors of Asoka failed to make use of the
institution and the thinking that was needed to make a success of a centralized
political authority. The Mauryan Empire declined without anyone's regret.
Other factors of
importance that contributed to the decline and lack of national unity were the
ownership of land and inequality of economic levels. Land could frequently
change hands. Fertility wise the region of the Ganges was more prosperous than
northern Deccan. Mauryan administration was not fully tuned to meet the
existing disparities in economic activity. Had the southern region been more
developed, the empire could have witnessed economic homogeneity.
Also the people of the
sub-continent were not of uniform cultural level. The sophisticated cities and
the trade centers were a great contrast to the isolated village communities.
All these differences naturally led to the economic and political structures
being different from region to region. It is also a fact that even the
languages spoken were varied. The history of a sub-continent and their casual
relationships. The causes of the decline of the Mauryan empire must, in large
part, be attributed to top heavy administration where authority was entirely in
the hands of a few persons while national consciousness was unknown.
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