Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Legroom wars: Third US flight diverted this week

Legroom wars: Third US flight diverted this week

A row between passengers over reclining plane seats has caused a third plane in the US to be diverted in seven days

Raf Sanchez

Published 02/09/2014 | 23:45
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Reclining seats are proving increasingly bothersome for air travellers
 The epidemic of planes forced into emergency landings by passengers fighting over reclining seats continued this week when a Delta flight was diverted on Monday night.
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The flight from New York to Palm Beach is the third American plane in a week to make an unscheduled landing after an explosive argument between passengers over leg space.
The latest confrontation was apparently between two women, one trying to push her seat back and the other sleeping on the tray table behind her, according to News 4
"This woman sitting next to me knitting tried reclining her seat back, the woman behind her started screaming and swearing," said Aaron Klipin, a passenger. "The flight attendant came over and that exacerbated what was going on."
The woman allegedly then began swearing and demanding that the flight land. The captain eventually came over the loudspeaker to inform passengers that he had no choice but to bring the flight down in Jacksonville.
The incident is the third time time in just a week that a pair of bickering passengers have forced an entire passenger jet to land.
Last week, a tall man became agitated when a woman in front of him reclined her seat on a flight from Miami to Paris. He allegedly lost his temper and was then arrested by air marshals, forcing the flight down in Boston.
- See more at: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/americas/legroom-wars-third-us-flight-diverted-this-week-30557382.html#sthash.eyitlzFR.dpuf

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